These treat bag toppers are a unique way to hand out valentines or Valentine’s Day treats, and they are suitable for classmates, coworkers, neighbors, teachers or friends.
In my shop you can choose 2 of the topper styles from the following:
♥ Nerds saying (2 styles included)
♥ S’more toppers (2 different sayings – see below for an idea of what to put in the bag)
♥ Heart toppers (2 styles – can be used with conversation hearts, or do what I did and make homemade playdough and cut it out with a heart-shaped cookie cutter)
♥ Peeps toppers (4 styles included – you can buy Peeps in red or pink at drug stores, in 2-packs or multiple packs)
♥ Reeces Pieces topper
♥ Mint topper (I used York heart-shaped peppermint patties)
♥ Dum Dum sucker / lollipop topper
♥ A gift card holder for a teacher or anyone else who loves coffee or tea (2 styles to choose from)
Each page has 2 toppers, so print up as many as you need (eg, 24 students divided by 2 = 12 copies) then cut them and staple them to the top of a zip-top bag. If you don’t have a color printer, put them on a thumb drive or camera card (like an SD card) and take them to a local copy store. It runs around 29c for a color copy, or 39c per color cardstock page at most print shops (UPS for example, but you could also price them at Staples, Office Max, Kinkos, or any local copy shop).
Here are downloadable instructions, but they really are very fast and easy to do. Even my first grader had no trouble helping me assemble them, and he filled out the “to/from” info on the back of each topper.
UPDATE: Sonoran Living viewers, feel free to use the coupon code “ABC15” when you check out in Etsy, to get 15% off your treat toppers! (Good through Feb 14th, 2012, on this listing only).
Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Happy Valentine’s Day! You have so many great holiday ideas here.
I just wanted to swing by and let you know that you’ve been nominated for the Best in Show award on my blog! Congrats and good luck 🙂